“Triad of Evil” (also known as Macdonald triad) is a term that refers to the analysis of the causes of pathological behavior of serial killers. It includes: persistent bedwetting past a certain age, obsession with fire setting, the need for destruction and cruelty to animals. SCUM uses this theme to accomplish one of its major demands which links fighting with an economically and politicalally privileged art and all kinds of the institutional and market-based indoctrination. Painting as a form of artistic expression remains as a symbol of the system which is the target of SCUM actions. Therefore, the painting must be destroyed. It is consecutively pissed, trampled and burned. The cruelty to animals subject from the SCUM Triad of Evil has been replaced by acting on the borderline of so called “crush fetish”, which means benefiting of sexual pleasure from crushing and trampling various items or even people.