Liliana Zeic (Piskorska) (she/her they/them) – born in 1988, visual artist, PhD in fine arts.
Her artistic practice is rooted in queer feminism and queer ecology. She works with craft techniques, video, photography, object and text, creating intermedia and performative projects based on artistic research. Since 2020, she has increasingly reached for craft methods of work, mainly developing her own technique of woodwork based on intarsia.
She is a finalist of the Forecast Forum in Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin in 2017 and the Audience Award Winner: Views 2019 in Zachęta National Gallery of Art. She has taken part in over 130 individual and group exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Her works are part of private and public collections (incl. NOMUS New Museum of Art, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Municipal Gallery Arsenal).
Based in Warsaw. She creates under the name Zeic since February 2021.
Represented by gallery lokal 30.
Individual Exhibitions and Screenings (Selection):
- Belly-up Dream (Dog or Fish?), Lilianas Zeic exhibition, Kaunas Artists’ House, Kowno (LT)
- My hands are full, galeria Lisowski, Waszawa (PL)
- Let’s Slip a Moist Flax Seed into a Soil, lokal 30, Warszawa (PL)
- A land full of berries, queeranarchive, Split (HR)
- The influx of forces, CSW Kronika, Bytom (PL)
- Neetlebrides, Zona Sztuki Aktualnej, Szczecin (PL)
- Group practises, Artivist Lab, Prague (CZ)
Summer has completely come today, public intervention/performance, ArtTransparent Foundation, Wroclaw (PL)
- The (Women) Cheerers, OP ENHEIM, Wrocław
- Gently running downwards, ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań
- Maids are sitting in a circle, Hawk was hanged, Nośna Gallery, Kraków
- A pine with six hands, Złoty Kiosk, Wrocław
- The star is burning over Betlehem, Pracownia Portretu, Łódź
- Long march through institutions, CoCA Kronika, Bytom
- Side effects, Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznań
- Streets of Lublin, residency Laboratory of Socially Engaged Art, Workshops of Culture, Lublin
- Forecast Festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Belin, Germany
- Desire for contact, Gallery East Station, Toruń
- SCUM, Gallery Miłość, Toruń
- Unsorted, Malta Festival, Poznań
- Unvisible!, The Centre for Culture in Lublin
- Journey, (Liliana Piskorska | Martyna Tokarska) Atelier, Sopot
- Journey (with Martyna Tokarska), Arts Center Gallery El, Elbląg (censored)
- All the beautiful girls and all the beautiful boys, The WOZOWNIA Art Gallery, Toruń
- Woman to be eaten, Gallery by Vistula River, Toruń
Group Exhibitions (Selection)
- From abortion a revolution is born. The Polish dream of democracy, Forum des Halles, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- Underground Museum: Pillory, WOGW, Pałac Hatzfeldów, Wrocław
- Now we fall horizontally, Midway Gallery, Boston (USA)
- Theory of everything, Museum of Natural History of the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals PAN, Kraków
- Warszawo moja Warszawo Festival, Jasna 10, Społeczna Instytucja Krytyki Politycznej, Warszawa
- We want the whole life, Feminisms in Polish art, PGS, Sopot
- Baby i Dziady Jesienne, Museum of Caricature, Warsaw
- Cogs, gallery u Kosałki, Wrocław
- One thought finally triggers everything, BWA Zielona Góra
- Festival NARRATIONS #14: Soft Spots, Gdańsk
- Weird Garden, gallery Inne Towarzystwo, Warsaw
- Embrace goes Pawilon, Pawilon, Poznań
- Queerstories, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
- 21 Survival Art Review ERZAC, Wrocław
- Drip drip, it leaked through panties, the dance floor and the streets, Galeria Karowa, Warsaw
- Question of closeness, Kunsthaus Dresden, Drezno (DE)
- In the Beginning was the Deed!, Kaunas Artists’ House, Kowno (LT)
- Building a garden around a burning house, Duża Scena Gallery, Poznań
- Tender debauchery, Lokal 30, Warsaw
- 20 Festiwal Filmowy Millennium Docs Against Gravity, Warsaw
- Kin(d) Relations, Antre Peaux, Bourges (FR)
- Regeneration. Biennale Zielona Góra, BWA Zielona Góra (PL)
- 17TH INTERNATIONAL TRIENNIAL OF TAPESTRY, Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa, Łódź (PL)
- Open Out Festival, Tromso (NO)
- The Discomfort of Evening, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (PL)
- Embrace Platform, Hannover (DE)
- Sister Earth, Gallery Kult Point, Budapest, (HU)
- Sleepless in Warsaw, a.i.r. Gallery, NYC (USA)
- MLASK, Arton Foundation, Warsaw (PL)
- Embrace, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (DE)
- Cartographies of Sublime Feelings, BWA Zielona Góra (PL)
- Politics of (In)Accessibilities Citizens with Disabilities, and Their Allies, Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznań (PL)
- Herdocs Film Festival, Warsaw (PL)
- Gently running downwards, A tale about normality, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (PL)
- LILIANA ZEIC (Piskorska) | video review, Jasna 10, Warsaw (PL)
- Pine with six hands, Living a feminist life, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (PL)
- Videorama, Werkleitz, Halle (Saale) (DE)
- In the beginning was the deed, Gallery Arsenał, Białystok (PL)
- Sister Earth, Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań (PL)
- EMAP Garden, Ars Electronica
- Pagans, Lokal 30, Warsaw (PL)
- Werkleitz festival 2021: NEW WORLD DIS/ORDER, Halle, (DE)
- transmediale festival 2021 (DE), Almanac for refusal (DE)
- The night will drive a heart, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, (PL)
- Battlefield, Galeria Bielska BWA, (PL)
- I Remember, Therefore I Am, Latvian National Museum of Art, Ryga (LVA)
- Lost & Founds Islands Bureau, BWA Studio, Wrocław, (PL)
- Biennale Zielona Góra 2020, BWA Zielona Góra, (PL)
- Gender Slipslope, Skuc Gallery, Lublana, (SLO)
- We are people, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, (PL)
- Poetry and performance. The Eastern European Perspective, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, (PL)
- Abducting Europa, IMPAKT, Utrecht (NL)
- WRO on Tour, Artist Colony, Gdańsk, (PL)
- WRO on Tour, Kosice (SK)
- WRO on Tour, 6th district, Łódź, (PL)
- Nest 1939/1989/2019, Gallery Art Supplement, Gottingen (DE)
- WRO on Tour: On/Off, Tetramatyka Festival, Lviv (UA)
- WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 11. Monumentomania, Warsaw, (PL)
- WRO on Tour, Tatsuno art Project, Tatsuno (JP)
- Fruit of all the trees, Four Cultures Festival, Łódź, (PL)
- House works, Wykwit, Wroclaw, (PL)
- Views 2019 – Deutsche Bank Award, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, (PL)
- Elżbieta Jabłońska, Disappearing, Trafo, Szczecin, (PL)
- State of Focus, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, (PL)
- Pomada 8 Festival: Eden, Warsaw
- Transgresje Festival: Calmness, Torun
- Sisterhood, Feminism and women art, Desa Unicum Warsaw
- Gradient, 8th edition of Grey House Foundation Competition, Cracow
- November Film Festival, Close-Up Film Centre, London (GB)
- I screamed and when I screamed valuable things burst into pieces, Gunter Grass Gallery, Gdańsk
- The Ratcather, Wrocław Contemporary Museum
- Avantgarde Film Festival Lava, edition 2: Kenneth Anger, Cracow
- imMobilized: Focus on the emerging art scene in Poland, Fondation Hippocrène, Paris (FR)
- The Nest, Zbrojownia Sztuki Gallery, Gdańsk
- Death and other stories, WY Gallery, Łódź
- (Un)wanted identity, Wozownia Gallery, Toruń
- Art for Forest, Arsenał Gallery, Poznań
- The Heritage, Pomada 7, Palace of Culture and Science, Warszawa
- Poles, patriots, rebeliants, Arsenał Gallery, Poznań
- Open Triennale | 8 Young Triennale in Orońsko, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko
- New Warmth 2017: Production of Food, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
- Ostrale Biennale for Contemporary Art 2017: re_form, Dresden, (DE)
- IN CONFLICT, Visible White Photo Prize 2017, Florencja, (IT)
- Forecast Forum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (DE)
- The Hygienists, Supermarket 2017, Stokholm Independent Art Fair, Sztokholm (SE)
- The process continues, różnia Gallery, Warsaw
- Animal, Galeria Bardzo Biała, Warsaw
- Toxicity, oficyna, Poznań
- Stan, Miejsce X, Opole
- New Warmth 2016 Gallery Gruzownia MCK, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
- Polygonum 4, BWA Bydgoszcz
- Resources, Miłość Gallery, Toruń
- Naturally, ZPAP, Toruń
- Queerlets, Spółdzielnia Ogniwo, Kraków
- Everything that is human is alien to me, the Grey House, Kraków
- International Transmission Art Festival, Athens, (GR)
- Left-overs, Gallery MD_S, Wrocław
- Nights and Blankets, Malta Festival, Poznań
- House of Debauchery, Gallery Wykwit, Wrocław
- Ostatki, Galeria MD_S, Wrocław
- New Warmth – 4th small festival of contemporary art, MCK, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
- Unvisible!, conference Nonheteronormativity, CoCA, Toruń
- Profession: artist / 433 Days of Miłość Gallery, Toruń
- Fordońska Noc Sztuki, The Old Synagogue, Bydgoszcz
- Polish Biennale of Young Art “Rybie Oko”, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk
- 14538, Muzeum im. Adama Mickiewicza, Śmiełów
- Survival Art Review 13, Wrocław
- LOVE, The WOZOWNIA Art Gallery, Toruń
- Enter Quickly As I’m Afraid of My Happiness, CoCA, Toruń
- The Limits of Globalisation:Polish Art Tomorrow, Mediations Biennale, Culture Centre Zamek, Poznań
- Skyway International Light Festival 2014, Toruń
- CIPAF Cyprus International Performance Art Festival, Nikozja, (CY)
- Fringe Sopot Festival, Zatoka Sztuki, Sopot
- Survival Art Review 12, Wrocław
- Dangerous Liaisons, Małopolski Ogród Sztuki, Kraków
- O’less Festival on Tour, Kawiarnia Naukowa, Kraków
- Best of Diploma 2013, CoCA, Toruń
- Epidemic, CoCA, Toruń
- 10th festival Out OF Control production, Węglowa 10, Białystok
- Flood, garbage and looters, Gallery by Vistula River, Toruń
- Second Exit, CoCA, Toruń
- Second Hand, CoCA, Toruń
- Receiving Control, CoCA, Toruń
Scholarships, awards:
- Wroclaw Cultural Scholarship, 2023
- Wroclaw Cultural Scholarship, 2021
- nomination for WARTO 2020
- laureate of OP Young in OP ENHEIM/Wrocław, 2020
- Audience Award: Views 2019 – Deutsche Bank Award
- nomination for Views 2019 – Deutsche Bank Award
- Cultural Scholarship from Torun City Council, 2019
- distinction, Gradient, 8th edition of Grey House Foundation Competition
- finalist of Forecast Forum 2017, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, (DE)
- laureate of Visible White Photo Award 2017, Fondazione Studio Marangoni Firenze, Florence, (IT)
- Cultural scholarship from kujawsko-pomorskie VOIVODESHIP 2017
- Scholarship from Ministery of Science and Higher Education to PhD students for outstanding academic achievements 2016/2017
- Cultural Scholarship from Torun City Council, 2015
- Cultural Scholarship from Torun City Council, 2014
- Utopia House, International Centre of Empathy, Kraków
- European Media Artists in Residence Exchange 2021, IMPAKT Centre for Media Culture, Utrecht (NL)
- Residents in residency 2020, Zamek Culture Centre, Poznań
- Laboratory of Socially Engaged Art, residency 2018, Workshops of Culture, Lublin
- Residency: Performative Magazine 2018, Museum Śląskie, Katowice
- Forecast Festival Residency, mentor: Bjorn Melhus, Berlin (DE)
- Urban Observatory 2016, ‘Tasty’ Foundation
- Public view, Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe, Galeria Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
- T4T, Cluj-Napoka, (RO)
- LOCIS 2014: CoCA Toruń (PL) / Leitrim County Council Arts Office (IRL)/ Residence Botkyrka Stockholm (SE), 2014
● Living a feminist life, public program 2021, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (with Magdalena Komornicka and Agnieszka Różyńska)